15 Jul

     Study.com is offering a special discount on their College Saver Plan, continuing through August 30, 2024. Using our unique link, you can focus on helping your students jumpstart earning college credits toward their degree. Study.com helps you earn credits quickly and affordably. This is their best discount yet for College Saver. For this limited time, College Saver will be 68% off, which is $160 savings and only $75 for a user's first month. This means that a learner can earn course credit for as little as $35.  

     Considering this amazing deal, I thought now would be a great time to share how you can form a study group to facilitate your students working through a college course on Study.com. It can be a successful endeavor for the students that participate. 

     When organizing a study group, you do NOT "teach" but rather facilitate.  I personally do not charge a fee. In my mind, if I were to charge a fee, I would now become a tutor for hire, and the purpose of using a program like Study.com is to promote self-study, a key requirement for success in college.  From my perspective, this type of learning is about the student following the lessons, taking the quizzes, and taking ownership of this challenging college level material. Clear communication about your role in forming the study group is necessary.   

     In our own Study.com college classes we start with a 6th-8th grade knowledge level on the material and then work our way up to a high school level of knowledge, and then finally, onto a college level understanding.  We follow the course exactly as it is outlined on Study.com and we take advantage of any teacher materials available, such as flashcards and practice tests. 

     Facilitating means that I am providing weekly (sometimes more or less) class times.  I typically host the study group at my home, other times at our local Academy.  During classes we review any question prompts in the material, answer any of the students’ questions, review flashcards, review practice quizzes and chapter tests, and sometimes review a course video.  The classes are for accountability only and for supportive discussions.  The students help each other and motivate one another. The families are extremely appreciative, and my own students receive the benefit of positive peer encouragement and accountability for the Study.com college course of choice.   

     The most important advice I can give is to follow through with ALL the study as outlined in the Study.com course, start to finish, and have your child take the final exam. I see many parents who do NOT have their child take the exam after all the work has been completed. These tests are NOT meant to be representative of your child's overall academic ability, nor is it representative of your teaching skills. There is nothing to lose in taking the final exam - so take it!  I often tell my students how proud I am of them for simply learning the material and sticking with it!  The college credits are a bonus to the whole experience but NOT the focus.  

     Lastly, please share our Study.com discount link with the families that participate in your own study group so they can catch the vision of using Study.com to earn college credit. 

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