Tricia McQuarrie
Degree Planning Coach

Degree planning expert, helping you identify, plan, and achieve your educational goals

Need some college coaching? Can I help problem solve your degree planning options? Are you having difficulty putting all the details together?

Consultation services are now available for our ClepPrep members. I am ready to help answer your questions and address any challenges in your degree plan or the transfer of your credits.

As a mom of five children, all having earned their credits using a wide variety of both cost-saving and time-saving methods, I would be happy to share my personal knowledge with you. I would be on your team, working together to explore all the options available to reach your goals.

Prices are by the half-hour and start at $25. Payment is made through secure checkout, using Paypal. Simply use the link below to contact me and submit your appointment request, including the required appointment information. After receipt of your payment, your appointment will be scheduled and confirmed.

I look forward to "meeting" you soon!

Tricia McQuarrie


Email me today and include the following:

  • Your name
  • Time zone for your consult call
  • Phone number and email to best reach you
  • Three potential upcoming dates with times that we could chat on the phone, or video chat live
  • Submit any attachments or emails that you need me to review prior to our appointment
  • Submit a list of your degree planning questions, in order of importance, so we can be intentional with our allotted time together
  • I have read and agree with the coaching disclaimer below (y/n)

Contact us today with the information above, if you are interested in coaching services.

Disclaimer for Coaching Services

We cannot guarantee any results or outcomes from the independent coaching service offered on this website. As with any business-related service, your results are not contingent on our advice, and will be based on many variables, so therefore no guarantees can be made. You agree that your coach is not responsible for the success or failure of you, or your student’s, personal life decisions and college goals, or any consequence resulting from the information presented to you through our services. You are solely responsible for the outcomes, consequences, and results for your life and the life of your student.  Your donation towards our advice and guidance service is non-refundable.  

While we believe the information and personal experience that we share is factual and accurate, we cannot guarantee that they are applicable to all situations. The advice and guidance we share are not intended to be a substitute for your ending point college admissions office. The responsibility for accuracy concerning credit transfer and acceptance is yours and is solely at your own risk.

Because transfer agreements vary by state and are constantly changing, it is important to understand that it affects each individual student in different ways. As a result, if you are seeking definitive acceptance of your credits, it is recommended you pursue answers from the source college directly. 

We are NOT licensed coaches.  We are simply parents that are sharing our experience and wisdom with those who would like to hear our suggestions and perspective.  You may NOT include your donation for our coaching services as a college or educational expense, or as a non-profit tax contribution since we are NOT a 501C3.  Our services are voluntary.  We are NOT employed by or paid by any company or business entity.  No contract or agreement is required for our information only services.  Nothing provided through the coaching services shall be interpreted as entering into a business relationship with ClepPrep or with any individual coach sharing their experience with you.

By securing an appointment and providing the requested donation fee, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless any coach and ClepPrep from all liabilities, claims, costs, and expenses, including attorneys' fees, that arise from your use of the Site, the Site's blog, products, programs, services, your posting, downloading or transmission of communications or material on this Site, or from your violation of applicable law.
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