If your student is completing high school through independent study, we have included some valuable information.
Components of a High School Transcript
This is a sample of the combined credit totals for a typical four-year high school program.
Language arts 4
Mathematics 3-4
Foreign language 2-4
World history 1
American History 1
American Gov. 1
Science 3-4
Physical Ed. 2
Electives 4-8
1 credit in high school equals 120 hours of class work, or 160 45 minute periods (called a Carnegie credit). An alternate acceptable method is to issue 1 credit if at least 80% of the subjects main text is completed.
Validate the High School Transcript
Accumulating ACE credits demonstrates to college admission officers that not only has your student mastered high school level work, but they are already completing college level work. The college transcript is ample proof of high school proficiency. However, it may be helpful to also compile a simple portfolio, including the following:
High School Diploma
If your student is completing high school through independent study and a diploma will be needed, here are some valuable resources.
High School Transcript
If your student is completing high school through independent study and a transcript will be needed, here are some valuable resources.